Inline newsletter signup forms

Grow the subscribers list with NewsMAN inline newsletter signup forms.

Place a newsletter subscribe form everywhere in your website with ease.

Inline newsletter signup forms allow you to attract and collect easily new subscribers and can be embedded in blog posts, site pages, either in headers or in footers.

This feature lets you design a GDPR compliant newsletter subscribe inline form in NewsMAN and customize it as you wish, so that it matches your brand identity and marketing strategy.

You can easily include the newsletter signup form in any location of your website, by just pasting a short HTML code or widget code (if you use Wordpress).

If Wordpress is your website platform, you'll find this option very easy to use.

Just install NewsMAN Wordpress plugin and paste the widget short code into the website to display live your inline newsletter form.

Other NewsMAN plugins for open source website platforms and eCommerce platforms are also available. You can activate the integration in just a few clicks and start getting new subscribers and have them synced in the email marketing platform.

Finally, you can increase the chances to get new subscribers and add some dynamism to your website at the same time, not only with inline newsletter signup form but also with newsletter pop-ups.