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newsman A_B Testing

It’s Time For A/B Testing: 10 Reasons Why You Should Start Now

It’s Time For A/B Testing: How To Set Your Campaign Right A/B testing is a method of comparing two versions of an email to see which one performs better on a specific metric, such as Open Rate, Click Rate or … Continue reading

send newsletter smart shoppers

How to Create Captivating Newsletters for Smart Shoppers in 9 Steps

Would you like to quickly learn how to create captivating newsletters that truly resonate with the minds and hearts of smart shoppers? If so, this article has been exclusively designed for you. We’ve meticulously crafted a 9-step checklist to assist … Continue reading

exit-intent pop-ups leave site

Exit-Intent Site Pop-ups: Regaining Visitors’ Attention with Last-Minute Offers

Have you considered the importance of regaining visitors’ attention when they are about to leave your site? Research suggests that personalized exit-intent email pop-ups can significantly boost your conversions by 30% to 300%. In order to improve the traditional subscription … Continue reading

email marketing segmentation micro macro

What is Micro and Macro Segmentation in Email Marketing and How to Implement Them for Successful Campaigns

Did you know that email marketing segmentation is the most effective strategy used by marketers, along with personalization and automation, and can increase your revenue by up to 760%? (source). In today’s digital landscape, saturated with advertisements, subscribers appreciate only … Continue reading

Ecommerce Email Marketing

Ecommerce Email Marketing – 3 Essential Campaign Types for Your Online Store

Have you ever wondered how crucial ecommerce email marketing campaigns are for promoting your online store? And what are the most important campaigns to implement? Well, in today’s fiercely competitive e-commerce landscape, with over 26 million e-commerce sites worldwide according … Continue reading

landing page email marketing

How to create an effective landing page to get more subscribers and conversions?

Are you looking to catch your subscribers’ attention with well-crafted email campaigns that offer a seamless continuity of your offerings? Well, while pop-ups used to be a popular method for lead capture, landing pages are now highly sought-after due to … Continue reading


11 Types of Easter Newsletter Emails to Captivate Your Subscribers

Do you have an eCommerce business and need inspiration for your Easter campaign? With Easter approaching, it’s the perfect time to connect with your customers and promote your brand through email marketing. Why email marketing? Well, not only is it … Continue reading

Easter email marketing subject lines

20+ Easter Email Subject Lines to Boost Your Sales

Easter is the perfect time to send email campaigns to connect with your customers and entice them with relevant offers. In this article, we want to help you not only communicate more effectively, but also get more sales by using … Continue reading


Easter Email Marketing Campaigns with a better ROI: Tips, Ideas, and Inspiration for Your Business

Want to boost visibility and sales for your ecommerce store this Easter? A well-crafted Easter email marketing campaign plan could be the solution you’re looking for! With NewsMAN platform, you can create attractive and effective campaigns that grab your subscribers’ … Continue reading