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Tag Archives: conversion

email marketing communication conversion channel

Email Marketing – Why it’s been the most beloved communication and conversion channel for over 20 years

From clients, to marketers and businesses, we all love it. Email is simple, fast, personal, and has a low cost. What better time to highlight why email marketing continues to be the most beloved channel for communication, promotion and conversion … Continue reading


Some tips for a spookily effective Halloween newsletter

Halloween is just the start of a season of newslettering campaigns targeted at different themed holidays, and it’s important to have a tailored campaign that will bring the best results. In addition, Halloween tends to become one of the most … Continue reading


Why you need email marketing when advertising on Google and Facebook?

Email marketing campaigns and online ads are both promotional strategies that help you achieve different marketing objectives. But did you know that you can use them together to optimize the sales process? Email remains one of people’s preferred communication methods, … Continue reading