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Tag Archives: email marketing

black friday email marketing

Why send newsletters on Black Friday? 3 reasons + Bonus

The long-awaited Black Friday shopping event is fast approaching. In the USA, it takes place on November 25, 2022. In fact, the frenzy has already started and everyone is preparing in their own way. If you’re still on the fence … Continue reading


Some tips for a spookily effective Halloween newsletter

Halloween is just the start of a season of newslettering campaigns targeted at different themed holidays, and it’s important to have a tailored campaign that will bring the best results. In addition, Halloween tends to become one of the most … Continue reading


Landing page linked to email marketing automation for more conversions

What do newsletters have in common with landing pages that collect customer data? Answer: more conversions. Did you know that businesses that use marketing automation have 451% more qualified leads and that 47% of them buy more than unqualified ones? … Continue reading


5 Most Loved Personalized Emails with Examples

You know those emails that just delight you? Whether they make you sketch a smile or just give you a feel-good vibe, they simply lift your vibe and you love them! It’s the personalised emails that you read with gusto. … Continue reading

email marketing performance

How do you measure the performance of email campaigns? 5 indicators explained

Did you know that studies consistently rank email marketing at the top of promotion and sales methods, often above social media or SEO? But how do you know if your strategy is working and if you are fully enjoying the … Continue reading


5 email marketing mistakes and how to fix them

Are you sending out newsletters, but subscribers aren’t opening them and reacting to your offers as much as you’d like? You’re probably wondering what email marketing mistakes you’re making. Although email marketing remains one of the most effective methods of … Continue reading


Types of newsletters and strategies that generate engagement

Did you know that engagement with email marketing campaigns is essential for increased email deliverability? Or that newsletters are considered one of the best ways to convert leads into customers?  90% of marketers look at subscriber interaction with messages sent … Continue reading


What can I do to get my newsletter to the subscribers’ INBOX?

The road to the subscriber inbox is paved with many unknown things. Surely you already know this if you communicate with subscribers through the newsletter. In the middle of a major email campaign, you’ve probably wondered at least once: what … Continue reading


Is email marketing still relevant in 2022?

Every day we hear about new tools and technologies or trends that bring followers. It is good to analyze them and try them, sometimes at the expense of the old ones. But few methods of promotion have maintained and even … Continue reading